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Terms & Condition


The terms and conditions set out below ("Conditions") apply to your use of this web site and related websites ("Site"), including the use of the information services offered on the Site.
In accessing and using the Site, you agree to be bound by these Conditions so please carefully read this section before proceeding.
If you do not accept these Conditions, you must refrain from using the Site. These Conditions must be read in conjunction with any other applicable terms and conditions governing
the use of the Site.



The Site makes available information relating to hotels and resorts owned or managed by EIH Limited, a corporation constituted under the laws of India, and its subsidiaries, controlled entities, affiliates and related parties ( "Brijhotels").

Specific Warnings

You must ensure that your access to and your use of the Site is not illegal or prohibited by laws which apply to you.

You must take your own precautions that the process which you employ for accessing the Site does not expose you to the risk of virus, malicious computer code, computer program routine or process or other forms of interference which may damage your own computer system. Without limitation, you are responsible for ensuring that your own computer system meets all relevant technical specifications necessary to use the Site and is compatible with the Site.

Brijhotels does not guarantee or warrant that any material available for downloading from the Site or any Linked Web Site will be free from any virus, infection or other condition which has contaminating or destructive properties. You are responsible for taking sufficient precautions and checks to satisfy your own particular requirements for accuracy of data input and output.

Hotel Reservations

The reservations feature of the Site is provided solely to assist customers in determining the availability of travel related services and products and to make legitimate reservations and for no other purpose.

You warrant that you are at least 18 years of age, possess the legal authority to enter into the legal agreement constituted by your acceptance of these Conditions and to use the Site in accordance with such Conditions.

You agree to be financially responsible for your use of the Site including without limitation for all reservations made by you or on your account for you, whether authorised by you or not. For any reservations or other services for which fees may be charged you agree to abide by the terms or conditions of supply including without limitation payment of all moneys due under such terms or conditions.

Hotel reservation terms and conditions of booking are set out on the Site and payment will be in accordance with the procedure set out in such terms and conditions.


Brijhotels does not accept any liability for any failure to comply with these Conditions where such failure is due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control.

If any of these Conditions are invalid, unenforceable or illegal for any reason, the remaining Conditions shall nevertheless continue in full force.

You are completely responsible for all charges, fees, duties, taxes and assessments arising out of the use of the Site.

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